When you walked in the door at Haven you were immediately met by images of breathtaking landscapes - windy arctic snows below whispy cloudy skies; orange-tinted African plains full of giant felines on the prowl; a flock of a thousand white birds soaring over sunset tinted wetlands; tropic waterfalls hundreds of feet high -
Some of you created objects out of clay... you took a hunk of goo and turned it into a recognizable (for the most part -ha!) form.
Once we got started every one began drawing their idea of the perfect world. Some drew Earth with people holding hands around the perimeter. Some drew the planet in Christ's hands. Some drew scenes of animals and/or people (or mermen?), while some of you were more abstract drawing symbols such as a heart surrounding a question mark.
Then you were asked to hand your image to another person, and they added to it. Some of you were pretty sad to see your work changed... after all, this was like a reflection of who you were... and some one changed it.
In THE BEGINNING God created the heavens and the Earth. It doesn't matter how God did it... what matters is THAT God did it. The ancient Jews wrote Genesis not to speak on scientific theory, but to speak to who God is and what His creation is like. We can learn a lot about who God is from the way Israel talked about our story's beginning... our story's source...
Our Source. God made it all. There was just God, and then He spoke... and it was. What an amazing beginning! God is not creation, but He is the creator of all things... And God said, "It is very good!"
And what an incredible creation!!! From lands frozen near the poles - with penquins, polar bears, whales, fish, etc. - to the barren deserts - full of lizards, snakes, hawks, cactus, rodents, etc. From the Tropics to the Rio Grande Valley. From the depths of the sea to the peak of Mt. Everest. From the dog to the platypus. From the tropical rainforests, to the thousands of species in your backyard. And all of this extending out into the mysteries of outer space... God's work is inconceivably amazing. What a big, intelligent, personal, beautiful, artistic, and loving God.
All the other creatures God spoke into existence... He said a word and there they were. But He fashioned mankind with His hands. First He made Adam from the dust, and breathed life into his nostrils (face to face!!! What a great and relational God!)... then He fashioned woman from Adam's rib. Humanity has a special place in God's creation. We are created in His image.
When the rest of creation looks at humanity, it should be reminded of the One True God. Together we should reflect the very image of the Almighty! And yet... wars rage in the East. Violent crimes plague our cities. Mothers kill babies, and children starve in Africa.
We have such an amazing Source... what is the deal now??? Did something happen to God's image just like your drawings from the beginning of our Biblestudy? Stay tuned next week to find out! 6:30pm at Haven (FBE's Youth Group)
Check out the clay sculptures.
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