Monday, August 31, 2009

Trying Something New...

Well... I've been thinking about these videos... and I decided that if it were up to me, I'd rather scan a written blog than watch a video for 5 to 10 min... So... I'm going to try to post a typed summary every monday and thursday, a maybe a video when it will be interesting.

Haven... Start Reflecting!!!
Last night was pretty neat. We went around the circle and reflected on how we began to attend Haven and what Haven is to us.

It was so interesting to hear how everyone found Haven. Most were drug to church by their parents, some discovered Haven through friends, and apparently Carl is eternal... before Haven he was... God brought us all here with so many unique stories...

But the consensus was that Haven is... well... a haven. It is a safe place for us to escape the world and find peace... it is a second family. It is a place where we are loved and accepted. We can recharge in order to charge out into the world once again...

My point for the evening was this: Even though we have so many different stories bringing us to Haven, WE are Haven. Though our stories are different, here WE are. At one point, WE weren't a group... WE couldn't say "WE" about us... but now... WE are a "WE." We are Haven. Haven is not our upstairs area. Haven is not just a church group. Haven is a group of people that God brought together...

And Haven is so important to us... it is our safe place to meet with God and with each other.


Take Haven with you!!! Don't leave it at church. Don't build up metaphorical walls around Haven at church and keep that safety, peace, acceptance, and life with Christ to yourselves!!! Go and be God's Haven for His lost children... for the hurting, the poor, the angry, the weak...

God has given us a vision. He is speaking to us. He is calling us to join Him in His work of loving people... of Redeeming people. Will we join Him? Or will we only follow Him with our words... will we hoard our safe place to ourselves??? Will we follow Jesus only when it feels good and is comfortable???

I'm asking Haven to be Haven outside of the walls of the Church. I'm asking Haven to prioritize God and His people above school events. I'm asking us all to be what we claim to be... Christians... followers of Christ... the very image of God. How will you reflect God for Haven today?

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What happens to be happening at haVen... or in my brain.
